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FREE R0.0 / m


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About Us tab x
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Apply Job tab x
Owner Business Backend
Video Upload
Maximum allowed categories 1
Can become Vendor x
Can create Custom Listing fields
Maximum number of businesses 1
Maximum number file uploads 5
Auto Vendorship
Points 0
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30 days testing
Edit Business: x
Show Business Logo: x
Show Business Map: x
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Show Opening Hours: x
Show Contact Information Tab: x
Show Phone 1: x
Show Phone 2: x
Show Address: x
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Show Email 2: x
Show Website: x
Show Social Media: x
Show Tags: x
Show Social Shares: x
Business Front Tabs
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Photo Tab x
Message Tab x
Products Tab x
Offers Tab x
Ratings Tab x
Gallery Tab x
Internal Messaging Tab x
Additional Content Tab x
About Us tab x
Jobs tab x
Apply Job tab x
Owner Business Backend
Video Upload
Maximum allowed categories 1
Can become Vendor x
Can create Custom Listing fields
Maximum number of businesses 1
Maximum number file uploads 5
Auto Vendorship
Points 0
User Account
Dashboard: x
Add New Business x
Profile x
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Add Jobs x
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Calendars Time Slots x
Calendars Custom Time Slots x
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BRONZE R14.99 / m


Suitable for startups and individuals like tutors
Edit Business: x
Show Business Logo: x
Show Business Map: x
Show Business About: x
Show Opening Hours: x
Show Contact Information Tab: x
Show Phone 1: x
Show Phone 2: x
Show Address: x
Show Email 1: x
Show Email 2: x
Show Website: x
Show Social Media: x
Show Tags: x
Show Social Shares: x
Business Front Tabs
Wall Tab:
Photo Tab x
Message Tab
Products Tab
Offers Tab
Ratings Tab x
Gallery Tab x
Internal Messaging Tab
Additional Content Tab
About Us tab x
Jobs tab
Apply Job tab x
Owner Business Backend
Video Upload
Maximum allowed categories 2
Can become Vendor x
Can create Custom Listing fields
Maximum number of businesses 1
Maximum number file uploads 30
Auto Vendorship
Points 0
User Account
Dashboard: x
Add New Business x
Profile x
Favorite x
Add Jobs x
Calendars Time Slots
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SILVER R29.99 / m


Suitable for startups and and organizations such as schools, restaurants, etc.
Edit Business: x
Show Business Logo: x
Show Business Map: x
Show Business About: x
Show Opening Hours: x
Show Contact Information Tab: x
Show Phone 1: x
Show Phone 2: x
Show Address: x
Show Email 1: x
Show Email 2: x
Show Website: x
Show Social Media: x
Show Tags: x
Show Social Shares: x
Business Front Tabs
Wall Tab:
Photo Tab x
Message Tab x
Products Tab
Offers Tab
Ratings Tab x
Gallery Tab x
Internal Messaging Tab
Additional Content Tab
About Us tab x
Jobs tab x
Apply Job tab x
Owner Business Backend
Video Upload
Maximum allowed categories 3
Can become Vendor x
Can create Custom Listing fields
Maximum number of businesses 2
Maximum number file uploads 50
Auto Vendorship
Points 5
User Account
Dashboard: x
Add New Business x
Profile x
Favorite x
Add Jobs x
Ratings x
Appointment: x
Calendars Time Slots x
Calendars Custom Time Slots x
Calendars Custom Fields: x
All Inbox: x
Shop Settings:
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Add New Offers:

GOLD R59.99/ m


Suitable for medium businesses. 30 day full refund.
Edit Business: x
Show Business Logo: x
Show Business Map: x
Show Business About: x
Show Opening Hours: x
Show Contact Information Tab: x
Show Phone 1: x
Show Phone 2: x
Show Address: x
Show Email 1: x
Show Email 2: x
Show Website: x
Show Social Media: x
Show Tags: x
Show Social Shares: x
Business Front Tabs
Wall Tab: x
Photo Tab x
Message Tab x
Products Tab
Offers Tab
Ratings Tab x
Gallery Tab x
Internal Messaging Tab x
Additional Content Tab x
About Us tab x
Jobs tab x
Apply Job tab x
Owner Business Backend
Video Upload
Maximum allowed categories 5
Can become Vendor x
Can create Custom Listing fields x
Maximum number of businesses 5
Maximum number file uploads 100
Auto Vendorship x
Points 10
User Account
Dashboard: x
Add New Business x
Profile x
Favorite x
Add Jobs x
Ratings x
Appointment: x
Calendars Time Slots x
Calendars Custom Time Slots x
Calendars Custom Fields: x
All Inbox: x
Shop Settings:
Add New Products:
Add New Offers:

PLATINUM R99.99 / m


Suitable for all businesses. 30 day money back guarantee.
Edit Business: x
Show Business Logo: x
Show Business Map: x
Show Business About: x
Show Opening Hours: x
Show Contact Information Tab: x
Show Phone 1: x
Show Phone 2: x
Show Address: x
Show Email 1: x
Show Email 2: x
Show Website: x
Show Social Media: x
Show Tags: x
Show Social Shares: x
Business Front Tabs
Wall Tab: x
Photo Tab x
Message Tab x
Products Tab x
Offers Tab x
Ratings Tab x
Gallery Tab x
Internal Messaging Tab x
Additional Content Tab x
About Us tab x
Jobs tab x
Apply Job tab x
Owner Business Backend
Video Upload x
Maximum allowed categories All
Can become Vendor x
Can create Custom Listing fields x
Maximum number of businesses 30
Maximum number file uploads 200
Auto Vendorship x
Points 20
User Account
Dashboard: x
Add New Business x
Profile x
Favorite x
Add Jobs x
Ratings x
Appointment: x
Calendars Time Slots x
Calendars Custom Time Slots x
Calendars Custom Fields: x
All Inbox: x
Shop: x
Shop Settings: x
Add New Products: x
Add New Offers: x